MEET THE TEAM: Aaron Sammut
Tell us a bit about yourself? What is your name and position at Pryme?
My name is Aaron. I handle marketing and graphic design at Pryme. I look after point-of-sale design for retailers, our product brochures, catalogues, photography, video, events, website and social media channels to help educate the audience on the benefits of our products.
What do you like about working at Pryme?
The people and the belief that I have in the next person. We are a small team, but we get the job done.
Favourite part of the job?
By far my favourite part of the job is the products themselves, they connect and work together. If you are suffering from dehydration we can hand you a Sqwincher, and before you even ask for it, we have you covered with Maxiblock sunscreen and then an Ergodyne Evaporative Cooling Towel. We are an adaptive business that looks to solve your NEXT PROBLEM on site.
What is some wisdom that you live by?
I try to live by the idea that there is always that next thing to learn. That learning shouldn’t stop. That the idea of progress is better than the dream of perfection.
What is the one thing that sites need to adopt to make sure that their workers are safe?
That the safety standards are put in place for protection and not just a burden or part of the protocol. That luck is not a safety measure, that close enough is not good enough, that looking after yourself and those around you is not a sign of immaturity and weakness, but more so that of collaborative power.
What is your favourite Ergodyne product and why?
The Ergodyne 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel by far. When it’s hot I use it all the time. On my commute to work, and even when I am at my computer. The Queensland Summer is so hot and just having that bit of extra cool, which is not a burden because of its low-profile design, is a huge help.
There are multiple ways to drink Sqwincher, what is your favourite?
I would always go for the 99.5% sugar-free Qwik Stik, but sometimes I get a little adventurous and I will mix some Wild Berry Sqwincher Concentrate with a Mixed Berry Qwik Stik. When consuming electrolytes, it still needs to taste good! Sqwincher is a winner for taste.
What is the one product that you use the most to stay safe?
I would say it is the mix of the Ergodyne Chill-Its Cooling and Sqwincher. I spend most of my weekends in the yard, out in the sun gardening, and this kind of PPE make my life so much easier.
What message do you have for people working on a site that they need to hear?
Stay safe. Stay focused. Stay hydrated.
Connect with Aaron on LinkedIn and email at
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