Hydration Packets

Ensure Your Employees Are Well With Hydration Packets

Keeping cool on extremely hot days can be a real challenge for many workers, that’s where hydration packets come in handy. You can purchase our Sqwincher hydration packets online through our website, or to speak directly with one of our sales representatives, simply phone (07) 3374 4544 or email our team at sales@pryme.com.au, and we will take care of your promptly.

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Why Hydration Packets Are So Handy

Dehydration is bad for the body in general, but when you add high risk working conditions, it becomes a major concern. In hot, humid conditions, not only does dehydration cause increased heart rates, possibly kidney damage, heat stroke, and lower heat resistance, but workers can experience fatigue and mental confusion which means they may not be able to handle their equipment or machinery properly. This is why they need to drink the right balance of fluids before, during, and after they finish work for the day. Hydration packets are ideal for workers whether they are indoors or working outdoors on a job site. Some of the factors that may lead to low fluid consumption include the use of heavy PPE, high air temperatures, humid working conditions, prolonged exposure to the sun or indoor heat sources, and limited air movement. Science has shown that drinking electrolytes is a great way to improve hydration, while providing people with better performance and recovery. Hydration packets conveniently allow employees to stay hydrated easily and quickly, replacing what their bodies sweat out. Staying hydrated also helps people to perform better and take better care of their health.

Take A Look At Our Sqwincher Range Of Products

If you haven’t heard of Sqwincher before, Sqwincher is a drink scientifically formulated to replace mineral salts and replenish fluids, prevent or reduce heat stress, while also helping to prevent muscle cramps. The Sqwincher range of hydration packets contains critical electrolytes (Potassium and Magnesium) which may also be depleted through sweating or dehydration. Sqwincher can also help to speed up hydration. Many workers enjoy how it tastes, and the fact that it is made with low sodium, is gluten-free and caffeine-free, and comes in frozen options as well as liquid, makes it a great asset on the job site.

Make Your Workplace A Better Place

You can help to look after your workers and employee’s safety by ensuring they stay hydrated, and that means having a drink at least every 20 minutes. Here at Pryme, our range of Sqwincher hydration packets will keep your employees well hydrated before it’s too late. We believe that every business deserves to have access to the best possible products at the best prices when they’re wanting to keep their workers safe. We’re a family-run business, which is why we’ve hand-selected the best hydration packets from the Sqwincher range, and we supply our products right across Australia, New Zealand, The Pacific Islands, and more. No matter where you are, you can get the most superior hydration packets on the market, delivered directly to you fast.


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